The Gwen Fay McClain Story


Gwen Faye McClain was born in Bryan, Texas, on October 2, 1959. Gwen was the second of four children born to Herman and Esther Williams.    Her parents both attended Prairie View A&M University. After marriage, they moved to Anahuac, Texas, where her dad got his first teaching job. Her dad, Herman, was an industrial arts teacher and a bus driver for the school.

Her parents were involved at the First Missionary Baptist Church, where her dad was a deacon, and her mom was the pianist. Her mom was also very involved in the community.

Jackie was the oldest sibling; a year later, Gwen was born; Sharon was born two years later, and the youngest was a brother named Herman, Jr.

Gwen attended a segregated school in Anahuac, and her mother got a job teaching the third grade after the fourth child was born. Her dad was the basketball coach at the school. They were a busy family.

Gwen continued her education in Jr. High and was an A/B student. Her parents taught her to be respectful of others and to love God. Gwen and her siblings sang in the church choir, where Gwen sang soprano. The girls took piano lessons at an early age and played clarinet in the Jr. High band and the High School band. Her brother played saxophone in the Jr. High band but decided to give it up by the time he entered high school because he wanted to concentrate on playing basketball and running track. They were excellent because the band took sweepstakes in high school, which was a great honor.

Her mom taught special education students at the Anahuac Elementary School. The class is called resource now.

Gwen was significantly involved in Future Homemakers of America, and her teacher, Mrs. Campbell, was very patient. She made and sold a pair of pjs and a pantsuit for her project. Gwen signed up for an elective course that allowed her to attend an elementary as a teacher’s aide. The teacher she worked with was the principal’s wife, who was very kind to Gwen, and in her Junior year of high school, she fell in love with teaching. Many say it was because her parents were teachers, but Gwen credits the principal’s wife for lighting that fire.

Gwen’s dad was also the swim instructor during the summer months, and he was in charge of the swimming pool and let Gwen be his assistant. Her first job was selling tickets, helping with games, etc., which lasted three years.

Gwen had taken some prerequisite courses in her English and Matt classes, thus preparing her for college. She visited Stephen F. Austin University and thought she would attend there, but her mom persuaded her to consider going to a closer college just in case she got sick. It would be easier and quicker for her parents to get to her. She was leaning toward staying closer, and her counselor told her she might think of Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas because they have an excellent Education Department.

Gwen graduated from high school in 1978 and received two college scholarships. She was excited to receive the Future Teachers of America Scholarship and the Sewing Club Scholarship. The Sewing Club gave her a scholarship, which helped with college. She got a car and attended Lamar University.

At Lamar University, she met a guy at Brookfield co-ed dorm who said, “My girlfriend, who lives here at this dorm, attends a Bible study every Tuesday night.” His girlfriend, Kelva, called Gwen, and she went to the Bible study where they talked about Paul’s message that says, “I do things I want to do and don’t do things I don’t want to do.” I told the group I had been baptized at a young age, but now I wanted to understand more.

The Westgate Church of Christ campus minister’s wife, Meg, asked Gwen if she would like to meet for a more in-depth Bible study. Gwen begins to meet and grow spiritually.   She began attending Westgate Church of Christ and examining what accepting Christ as her Savior meant. Gwen found the pieces she had been missing in her spiritual walk.

In time, she understood what the Lord’s church should look like and decided to be baptized with her new understanding. She attended an evangelistic workshop in Florida and Louisiana and was impressed with the people, the teaching of the Bible, the singing, and the conversations. In December of 1978, she was baptized at Westgate Church of Christ.

She finished Lamar University and graduated in June 1982 with a Degree in Elementary Education specializing in reading.

She went home to apply for jobs, went to job fairs, and got a call from the Port Arthur ISD, and her parents were thrilled. Her first job was in Port Arthur, where she taught first grade. It was a rough year, but the school principal told her they were downsizing at the end of the school year, and her job at the school would not be available next year. The principal said they would help her find another campus and let her know where she would be assigned to work during the summer.

She was assigned to Lincoln High School in Port Arthur, Texas, teaching remedial reading, a new experience for her.

With her new job, she began looking for a congregation to attend. One Sunday, she went to the Sunday evening service. She met a lady who said, “Let me introduce you to a lovely young guy. He is a radio announcer.”  Gwen was not ready to meet anyone because she had a rough day at school and did not look her best, but he seemed very friendly, and they were introduced.

Lloyd had heard about Gwen through his cousin, Martha, who had met Gwen at the Ladies Seminar 3-4 years earlier. He had tried calling her several times when she was at college, but each time, she was out.

He had already been checking her out long before they met. Lloyd asked her out to eat seafood. Lloyd talked so much that Gwen asked him if he would eat. On the way home, Lloyd asked if they could go steady. Gwen was hesitant about things happening so quickly, but he said he did not want to date anyone else.

They began to see each other, and she cooked for him, but he never complained about her cooking.

In time, they were engaged, eloped, and married at the Port Arthur Courthouse on April 24, 1984. They later had a more formal wedding at Thomas Blvd Church of Christ on May 4, 1984. He felt his job opportunities would improve in Houston, so they moved to Houston in the summer of 1984 and stayed with Lloyd’s mother for a while.

Gwen did not know much about the Houston area school districts but had heard about a teaching position at the Westbury Christian School, so she applied, had an interview, and began teaching 1st grade for the ‘84 -’85 school year. She continued at Westbury for three years, teaching 1st grade. She and Lloyd placed membership at Westbury Church of Christ, and both taught together in the children’s ministry. After three years, they decided they were tired of their apartment living and looked for a house. She decided to look into Fort Bend  ISD and apply for a job to make more money.

While waiting, they took a trip to Hawaii, and upon their return, she got a message from Fort Bend ISD that they had two openings for her to consider with two different schools.

The first interview was at Lakeview Elementary with Mr. Christian in Sugar Land, and then after she got home, she got a call from Mmrs. Ross was one of the hiring Supervisors with Fort Bend ISD. Mrs. Ross called to inform Gwen that Mr. Christian had called them to say he wanted me for the teaching position. She did not need to pursue the interview with the principal of the other school.

She worked at Lakeview teaching a K1 program, transferred to teaching 2nd grade at Pecan Grove Elementary the following year, and stayed there for 18 years. After Pecan Grove, she decided to find a job closer to home. She got on at Mission Glen Elementary, where she taught 2nd grade for two years.

Gwen then went to Primrose School of Sienna. She worked with 4-year-old preschool and aftercare. Needing more money, she worked at an international year-round school named Tanglewood Academy in the Galleria area and taught there for two years.

We met at Thomas Blvd. Church of Christ.

What were the things you admired most about your husband?
He loved the Lord, and he loved serving. His cousin, who introduced them, helped Lloyd come to know Jesus. Lloyd spent a lot of time searching to find the Lord and went to many places searching for the Lord.   He loved pets and children.

How long were you married? 34 years. Wed April 24, 1984
Gwen started praying for the kind of man she would marry and one fully engaged in serving the Lord.

Lloyd died on November 30, 2018.

What is your favorite memory of the years you were married?
Lloyd did something special for her birthday; on weekends, they would eat out, exchange birthday cards, and kiss, but this one time was exceptional. She got home from work, and Lloyd said he had something special for her. He handed her a beautiful birthday card and said, I’m taking you somewhere.

He took her to a clothing store named Kohl and said, “ Your birthday present is to go through the whole store and buy whatever you want.” He patiently waited around while she shopped. She got a nice outfit, and she had a lot of fun. Then, they went to dinner to top off the day.

We wanted to have children together or adopt, and we had been talking about it.

The night before Lloyd died, he and Gwen talked about the events of the day and about Lilly, the puppy they were adopting. Gwen went to bed. Lloyd said he was going to watch TV as he would sometimes do. When Gwen woke up the following day, she noticed Lloyd had not come to bed and thought he had dozed off. Going into the living room, Gwen saw him in his chair and pressed on his chest, and his eyes were partially shut. She said his name, but he did not respond.

The ambulance driver said he had passed away. She was hurt and in disbelief. The ambulance driver asked if they could call someone for her, and she gave them Joyce Shahan’s phone number.

In shock and disbelief, so many things needed to be done. Gwen received strength from her brother and her Bible class members.

I never want to forget his smile and laugh.

We all have habits and hang-ups. I was attending Celebrate Recovery for being a workaholic. After Lloyd died, she knew she needed to leave the house and get out more, but her co-dependency made her afraid to make decisions. She also regrets that Lloyd did not get much help with anger issues, which held them back, but God did wonders working with him before he died.

She is going to need a knee replacement in the future and needs help. She trusts in the Lord to help pay for the surgery. With the knee replacement, she will have expenses she is not happy with. Asking for help, she believes, will be a challenge.

She would have enjoyed their time together even more and not been into herself. She would have wanted him more and made the most of every moment.

It has been great to get to know the other women in the group, hear their stories, encourage and lift each other, and feel special. Knowing someone is, sees us and knows we are not forgotten is a blessing. It strengthens my faith and helps me to build friendships. The ministry enables us to rely on the Lord and to remember how He has brought us through many things.

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