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A collection of the past events and activities of Surviving From Loss

Our NASA Adventure

Our April NASA Adventure was so much fun. You will understand what I mean by seeing the photos taken that day. There are too many activities to list here, but we hope to do this again. Double-click the first image after you click the link below to see all the full-screen photos. Click Here For Photo Gallery

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At Surviving From Loss, we serve our community’s widows in various ways.  Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our widows and widowers.  Only those who have lost a spouse can understand such loss.  There are many types of losses in life, and the loss of a spouse is one of the top five.  The widowed have many needs, but one is the need for fellowship.  A widow loses 75% of her friend network after the loss of her husband.  Many widows and widowers state that loneliness is one of



The SFL 1st Annual Christmas party

With the ministry entering the third event of the year, we wanted our Christmas celebration to be unique.  These special ladies have served others their entire lives, so we decided to do something extraordinary.  We invited them to attend this luncheon and not worry about anything.  They are our honored guests, and we had a lovely sit-down luncheon and served each of them in a fine dining fashion.  There were even creative names for each table.  They were served a delicious punch when they arrived while mingling with the other ladies.  When it came time

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2023 SFL 2nd Annual Christmas Party

This is the 2nd annual Christmas party for our Surviving From Loss group. Click the photo first and then CLICK HERE to see the photos from the event. This year, we began inviting our widowers to the party, and we all had a great time. These two groups of people are exceptional and blend so well together. The party was held for the second year at the beautiful home of Peter and Sasha Lotze. The food was delicious, and everyone enjoyed themselves.   While at the event this year, we asked the widows and widowers to

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The concept of the High Tea was to provide these widowed ladies a place to connect and allow them to feel the importance they are to society. So many widows are left at home or shut in and feel abandoned.  We have taken all of those feelings away.  We help them remember the highlights of their past while enjoying the fellowship of others.  This will become an annual event.   To see photos of the event, click anywhere on the photo to be taken to the gallery.

2023 HIGH TEA EVENT Read More »

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