At Surviving From Loss, we serve our community’s widows in various ways.  Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our widows and widowers.  Only those who have lost a spouse can understand such loss.  There are many types of losses in life, and the loss of a spouse is one of the top five.  The widowed have many needs, but one is the need for fellowship.  A widow loses 75% of her friend network after the loss of her husband.  Many widows and widowers state that loneliness is one of the significant issues.   The outside world thinks that remarriage is the topic here, but that is untrue.  Even though some eventually choose to remarry, that is not their most urgent need.  The loneliness statement arises from the need to be included and not feel forgotten.  The widowed live in a couples world, and it is not always a friendly place for those who have experienced the loss of their spouse.  Trips like Brookwood and other events help the widowed feel included.  Our other monthly activities, luncheons, member’s directory, and website keep our community close and connected.

This was a lovely event, and everyone who attended stated how much fun, educational, and enjoyable it was.  Also, those who carpooled together enjoyed getting closer to this fellowship activity.   If you know of a widow or widower near you, invite them to join us by emailing

More About Brookwood

At the Brookwood Community, we cherish the slow life. We plan our schedules around surprise conversations, unintended celebrations, or pauses for prayer. God willing, you will feel it when you take a single step on campus. Can you imagine stepping into a world where every motion is done, every word is spoken with another in mind? Every action has consequences, and the consequences here are glorious.

If you are unfamiliar with Brookwood, please let me introduce you. Since 1985, Brookwood has educated and enabled hundreds of men and women with intellectual and functional disabilities to hold full-time jobs, live in a world built around them, and, most importantly, give back. The Brookwood Citizens hold jobs in any of our nine enterprises: The Café, horticulture, ceramics, stone-casting, leather-work, and cement are just a few.

With the fundamental (albeit uncommon) understanding that God endows all humans with gifts and talents, Brookwood provides the tools and environment for the Citizens to contribute. When this understanding is held, amazing things happen. Primarily, the Citizens have become some of the proudest, happiest, and most dignified individuals on the planet. Next, the profound gifts of our Citizens are displayed in the tens of thousands of products they craft.

These one-of-a-kind, handmade items are sold to the public and spurn profits that ALL come back to support the community. This has allowed Brookwood to abstain from receiving government funding. By freeing up government funds to be used elsewhere, we believe this freedom we strive to hold benefits society.

The journey to create Brookwood began in 1957 when founder Yvonne Streit and her family faced the challenge of a disabled child, their one-year-old daughter Vicki. There was a divine purpose at work – even though that purpose was far from clear at the beginning. Yvonne’s story, Everybody’s Got a Seed to Sow: The Brookwood Story, can be found here. The proceeds from selling each copy of this book go to Brookwood, its citizens, and its outreach programs.

We would love to host you for a tour and lunch, to shop, or to volunteer so that you may see for the first time or for the hundredth time what a community built with God’s design looks and feels like. 

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