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Tell Your Heart To Beat Again

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again I heard this song by Phillips, Craig & Dean and read the story behind the song. I thought this story and song would bring comfort to all of us who are hurting and give us hope for the future. Pastors come in all shapes and sizes, and their temperaments are different, this pastor is high adrenaline type A, jumping out of airplanes, bungee jumping, motorcycle riding, and all that. He talked to one of his members, a surgeon, to allow him to be in the room during open-heart surgery. […]

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Considering Dating Again? Move Forward With Caution.

CONSIDERING DATING AGAIN? MOVE FORWARD WITH CAUTION A CLIENT ASKED ME THIS? I am a divorced woman dating a widower whose wife was a close friend. Our relationship has moved from friendship to something more personal. We have not said love but enjoy each other’s company and feel comfortable together. I no longer live in the same town, but he called me and asked me to come for a visit. He seemed to be doing well and said he wanted to see me. When I arrived, I noticed he still had all her clothes and

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Three Of The Top Ten Steps To Begin The Grief Process

Three Of The Top Ten Steps To Begin The Grief Process TRUTH TIME – You have suffered a loss; it is okay to admit that fact. You may think this to be a ridiculous comment, but until you can face the truth, you cannot heal. You cannot fix what you have not acknowledged. BUDDY UP – This is your accountability partner, who is critical in the healing process. Someone to help keep you on track. Listen to wise advice. Choose a trusted friend, someone you can trust to place your best interest before their own.

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Valentine’s Day Is Approaching, Some Surviving Spouse Suggestions

Valentine’s Day Is Approaching. Some Surviving Spouse Suggestions We are less than a month away from Valentine’s Day; what is one of the year’s most romantic days according to the calendar? Some discover that just because the calendar, florist, restaurants, and gift shops see Valentine’s Day as romantic, you may dread the word, seeing it on billboards and TV and hearing others talking about it. What was once a special day for you has now become a nightmare. Your Valentine has died, and celebrating now feels out of place. This day only reminds you of

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As A Widow, It May Feel Like A Second Death

As A Widow, It May Feel Like A Second Death No one wants to think about losing their spouse. Today, Men and women enjoy their lives and avoid the “What if” question. This becomes a problem because most men or women who find themselves without their spouses may discover they are unprepared mentally, emotionally, and financially. The reality is in today’s world; women are over three times as likely as men to lose a spouse. The average age of a widow is between 55 to 59. Many women marry men much older than themselves, which

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Helping Your Child Who Lost A Friend

Helping Your Child Who Lost A Friend Most adults have experienced a loss of some type during their lifetime. Depending on the relationship, losing friends or family members is very uncomfortable to express. Now, put yourself in the position of a child or young adult. They may have witnessed death on television, but the experience is different when the death is someone they know personally. THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP IS IMPORTANT AT EVERY STAGE OF LIFE When young adults of any age face the death of someone they know, the trauma can shake them to their

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Grief, Relationships

The View From Here – Is Breathtakingly Beautiful

The View From Here – Is Breathtakingly Beautiful For those of us who have lost a spouse, it is natural to wonder if we are okay as we suffer without them. We can only see the things around us with our eyes, and sometimes, our situation in the middle of our grief and pain distorts our vision. It is hard to know that paradise awaits us when our time in this life has ended, and the wait is the most challenging part. Our minds begin to wonder about them, and our mind starts playing tricks

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Emotional Health

International Widows Day Honoring Those Surviving From Loss

Today, June 23, is International Widows Day Honoring Those Surviving From LossToday, June 23, is International Widows Day and we are honoring those surviving from loss.  The “Surviving From Loss” honors and recognizes those who are left behind by the passing of a spouse.  When you married, you did not plan to become a widow, nor would you have dreamed of such a time as this.  Here are a couple of thoughts for your consideration. It’s a “Catch 22” you have always put your spouse and everyone else first. To survive, you must put yourself

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Emotional Health

3 Months, 15 Days, and 7 Hours, Now What?

3 MONTHS, 15 DAYS, AND 7 HOURS, NOW WHAT? Grief has no timeline and no defined pathway.   I hear people say, “It’s been three months, 15 days, and 7 hours and I feel lost,” or “What do I do now?”  Others will say, “My spouse died three years and nine months ago, and I still ______?______ all of the time.”  This blank could represent one or many different difficulties a surviving spouse is facing. Most people are not prepared to face the loss of their spouse. When two individuals become one in marriage, they begin

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Blog, Grief

Sometimes We Do Not Know How To Understand

SOMETIMES, WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO UNDERSTAND Life does not make sense for any of us, especially your children. If you have children, the following story will help you to grasp this concept. One Sunday morning, our youngest daughter Katherine began to have pain in her side. We took her to the emergency room, where we waited for over twelve hours before the doctor could see her. Katherine was in extreme pain. Watching your children suffer is almost unbearable, and we would do anything to take away her pain. At about eleven p.m., we

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Emotional Health
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