
When You Feel Hope Is Lost

When You Feel Hope Is Lost   I heard this story a few days ago and wanted to share it with you as a story of encouragement. What do you do when all hope is lost, the pressure mounts, you lose it all overnight, the foreclosure of your home, the repossession of your car, and the food pantry is your only food source? It did for this lady when you thought it could not worsen. Statistics show that many widows and widowers suffer financially after losing a spouse—especially widows. I believe you will find the

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Emotional Health, Grief

The Martha Brasell Story

THE STRENGTH OF ENDLESS LOVE The Dave and Martha Brasell Story Written by Charles Foster   THE STRENGTH OF ENDLESS LOVE… The Dave and Martha Story by Charles Foster Sometimes, you are introduced to people and feel you have known them forever. This unique connection was the case with a special lady named Martha. One of our business partners had been friends with Martha for years, and one day, while looking for a healthier lifestyle, Martha decided to join our company. We met Martha and knew from our first conversation that there was something special

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Life Stories

Lack Of Faith Of The Unknown

Lack Of Faith Of The Unknown We see our biggest problem today as social distancing, or is it? We all feel separated, lonely, isolated, and out of control. We hear of the horrific deaths of our senior citizens and fear leaving our homes or getting within six feet of another person. We are now told to wear protective masks, and gloves sanitize our hands to avoid contact with delivery drivers. The question is, what do we do about this problem, which is causing an isolated America? Are we just looking at the problem we are

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Experience Loss? Not Ready? Now Is The Time.

Experience Loss? Not Ready? Now Is The Time. THESE ARE THE STEPS YOU NEED TO TAKE Losing a loved one is tragic, no matter how it happens. Unfortunately, when you experience loss, knowledge is power. There are critical steps to take to ensure protection from the legal system. In my book, “The Surviving Spouse Club,” on page 236, I have written with considerable detail about each of these 39 unique documents you need at hand at the time of loss. Not having these documents could cost you a lot of money in your time of

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Emotional Health, Faith, Financial, Grief, Life Stories, Relationships

Father’s Day Is Not Fun When You Have Lost Your Father

Father’s Day Is Not Fun When You Have Lost Your Father Day-to-day life in America is becoming increasingly disturbing, even with Father’s Day approaching. With all the anxiety and stress revealed on the nightly news, no wonder our sense of normality is all but gone. So many in our country have lost dads and husbands because of unexpected violence that this Father’s Day, there will be a lot of emptiness at the dinner table. Father’s Day, when everyone celebrates Father’s, which represents one-half of the strength of the family unit, will not be a celebration

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Emotional Health, Grief

Working From Home

Working From Home How many of you are working from home? What I have found best is to begin each workday early. This is easier said than done when your big, warm, soft bed calls you to sleep in. When you commuted to an office, you knew you had to allow time for traffic, parking, etc, yet you planned it. It was just part of doing your job. Working from home can be more challenging because of a lack of structure. It is less challenging if you plan your tomorrow before the end of today.

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Emotional Health

The Anatomy Of A Family Pandemic

The Anatomy Of A Family Pandemic Families around the world today face pandemic situations when a health pandemic sweeps the globe, which for many feels like the unexplainable, uncontrollable emotion a family feels when losing a loved one. The Kubler-Ross model of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are all emotions that surface during such situations, yet there is no particular order or timing of these emotions. We have known about these five specific emotional responses since Kubler-Ross published their book on death and dying in 1969. The year 2020 may go down as the

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Creating Calm During Times Like These

Creating Calm During Times Like These Unlike at any other time in our history, we witness extraordinary events. Many of you have lost your spouse, and others are afraid of losing a loved one because of the unknown of what you are being told in the media. Worry and fear are natural reactions, often caused by your lack of control. Information is essential, but the 24/7 news cycle, whose job is to keep you in a state of panic, is causing fear and unrest. If you turn it off, your stress will immediately be reduced.

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Emotional Health
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