Anniversary Celebration

We are profoundly thankful to God for His provision as we continue to serve the widowed in our community.

While the widows and widowers may not be familiar with these statistics, they have lived through the experiences and understand the deep need we are addressing.

The video you are about to watch was originally presented at our anniversary celebration last year. It was designed for those who have not personally endured the tragedy of losing a spouse.

Our hope is that this presentation will highlight the need and demonstrate how God has guided us in our mission.

As we enter our third year of ministry, we extend our sincere gratitude for your ongoing prayers and financial support.

If you know of a widow or widower who could benefit from our help, please reach out to us. And please share this ministry with others—the more people who are aware of our work, the greater our impact.

Charles Foster

We will celebrate this year with a potluck luncheon on October 6, 2024 and highlight all of the accomplishments made this past year.  Our Guest Speaker is Sugar Land Chief of Police Mark Poland.  Make your plans to attend.  

You can RSVP on the form on the front page of this website.  

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