When You Feel Hope Is Lost

When You Feel Hope Is Lost


I heard this story a few days ago and wanted to share it with you as a story of encouragement. What do you do when all hope is lost, the pressure mounts, you lose it all overnight, the foreclosure of your home, the repossession of your car, and the food pantry is your only food source? It did for this lady when you thought it could not worsen. Statistics show that many widows and widowers suffer financially after losing a spouse—especially widows. I believe you will find the answers here.

For years, I did not feel good. I was tired and felt like I needed a nap every day. I would wake up at two a.m. and be up for hours. I did not feel good, and my body was stressed; I did not know why, but something was wrong.

My neighbor had told me about a system that allowed her to lose weight. She looked great and had all this energy. So, I told myself, you know what, I have got to do something. So, I got on the system four days later; I began to feel great and said, what the heck just happened? I called her and asked what was in this stuff to make me feel so much better. She chuckled and said, why don’t you come over to the house and let me tell you all about it? When I went over to her place, she told me about the business side of what she was doing. She said, we have all these fantastic products, but there is a business here. The products work, but she had my attention when she said there was an income opportunity. I had felt the power of the products, but there was more going on in the back of my head that only I knew.

Six months before that day, my husband and I owned a company remodeling, and we did pretty well in the industry for 17 years. Then, an employee embezzles a lot of money amounting to half a million dollars at the tail end of 2007 when the economy took a nose-dive, shutting the company down.

When the company shut down, it also shut my husband down. He went into a deep depression, went to bed, and stayed there. I also had three little kids, four, eight, and eleven, and I did not know what I was going to do. I was unwilling to leave him; I was worried about his mental state and could not leave the kids with him.

We had exhausted all our assets trying to keep the doors open, and now we have no support or income. Could you imagine walking out to take the kids to school, and the car was gone? The kids were freaking out because they thought someone had stolen the car, but I knew what had happened. I knew why the car was gone, and I developed this sinking feeling and thought, what would I do without a car?

I began to go to the food bank to feed my kids. It is not far from my house, but I would have to pass the beautiful park crowded with people in the summer to get there. I prayed for rain so no one would see me. The walk across the parking lot was long, and there were no grocery stores nearby, so when people saw you carrying bags of groceries, everyone would know why. So, I was in a pretty desperate state. It was my 40th birthday, and when everyone went to bed, I would go into the bathroom because it was the one room nobody could hear me in. I sat on the floor, sobbing because my life was no longer the same, and I had this tremendous pity party.

After my pity party, I got up, took a piece of paper, and wrote out what I wanted my life to look like as if it had already happened. I wrote about traveling the world and my fantastic career that continually inspires me without knowing what that would be. I wrote about having this vibrant life and feeling healthy in my body, but where I struggled, my pain point was that I needed something.


Now, this is where I left off earlier. The very next day, I was introduced to this business

opportunity. Sometimes, you put it out there, and it materializes. It would be best if you were open to it and I was available. My mom had purchased the primary system for my 40th birthday present, and I had begun to feel better and get my energy back when I went over to my neighbor’s house, and she told me about the business; all I could say was, what do I need to do to make this work? She said, come to the Celebration with me and find out what it is. I said, what is that? She said it is our annual convention, which is in four days. I asked where it was. She said it was in Las Vegas. She had no clue that I had a negative 237 dollars in the bank and did not have the money to get the electricity turned on because the power company had turned off my electricity.

I said, let’s do this, but then I thought, what is wrong with me? I have four kids; I can’t do this. It felt like an out-of-body experience. How am I going to do this? But then I thought, what if this could change my life? I also knew I had put something out there; maybe this was it. I could not sleep for a good reason when I saw how it worked.

I asked my neighbor, do you mean I can earn an unlimited income with no capital, overhead, or risk? How is that possible? She said I don’t know; it just is. I kept thinking, how is this possible? But then I looked at the compensation plan and saw how it was possible. In a traditional business, you must deal with accounts receivables, payables, taxes, purchasing, insurance, government forms, inventory, employees, legal, IT, deductibles, distribution, research and development, and so on. This company does all this and more; I can run my business anywhere with a cell phone. That is incredible and scalable without renting a space, equipment, or anything. You can grow it from a small to a million-dollar-a-year business from your living room.


That sounds like what I needed. Things were terrible, and I found hope when I found this company. Hope is a powerful word, and I saw a way out of my situation. I could pull my family out of this situation and begin to live again. Because of my despair, I did not stick my toe in; I capitulated and was all-in to making this work. I began to work on myself, worked on my business, asked everyone I could find every question I could think of, asked for advice, and took it. I listened well and did exactly what they told me, which made them successful. I believed that if someone were more successful than me and told me to do something, I would do it without question.

I advised them to begin my business and get to the executive level first, and I did it. It took time, and there were some bumps in the road, but I did it because people told me to do it. This company pays daily, weekly, and monthly, so I could earn the needed income quickly and begin building my business. My husband finally got out of bed, hooked up with his old girlfriend, and left. Did I think? Really? After all I have done?

But today, I now live this extraordinary life. I live in a beautiful place. Last summer, I took my daughter to Italy for a month and allowed her to do whatever she wanted, eat where she wanted, etc., but guess what? I made the whole trip and did not put any limits on what we did.

You know, this all started on my 40th birthday when I sat on my bathroom floor crying, and for my 50th birthday, I got to celebrate it with my daughter for a month. Both my sons go to private universities. I live an extraordinary life because I said yes and put in the work and time.

So, my 40th birthday was my worst day, and my 50th was my best so far. When I heard this story, I had to write it down to encourage you. No matter what life throws at you, you can overcome your darkest day and improve your life. I never thought that to be possible until it happened to me. The loss of my wife was my darkest day, but today, I live an extraordinary life, and so can you. The loss of a spouse is one of the worst tragedies in life, but what we experience prepares us for the future. Hardships make us more robust and resilient with a desire to survive. As a surviving spouse, you are not disrespecting your deceased spouse when you continue life. You honor your spouse when you continue living and make the kind of impact that would make them proud. As I did, you will find that you make mistakes less often because of growing through those mistakes.

We are all on this planet to make an impact. That dash between our “birth date and death date” must be something. Make yours count.

I told you this story, and if you want more information about this income opportunity, call Pam at (713) 882-4702; she would be happy to answer your questions.

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