The Song, Even If, By “MercyMe” Will Bring You Peace

The Song, Even If, By “MercyMe” Will Bring You Peace

Everyone has bad days. Widows and Widowers know this well.

Twenty-three years ago, my wife died.

Some days, it seems like 23 years have just happened.

Other days seem like a lifetime ago.

No matter what day you have today, countless others are experiencing bad days.

Like you, they experience fear, sleeplessness, anxiety, unbelief, defeat, and hopelessness.

I do not know who will read this post and listen to the beautiful words and testimony of “MercyMe.”

I don’t know if your faith relies on what you can control or if your belief is based on God’s commands.

Even though you may feel out of control, those feelings are our outlook, not God’s.

Everyone wakes up to a new day. Some wake up to incredible hardships, and some don’t care.

Some days are just like that. When it seems like your world is falling apart, you may question your future and your faith.

I pray that those who take a moment to listen to the words in this song by “MercyMe” will find peace.

Their “Even If” album will bring comfort, peace, hope, and faith in your future.

As survivors of loss, we go through bad days, but we also go through good days.

Some days, we are confused. On other days, we wonder what is happening to us.

Occasionally, our vision gives us a little more explicit focus on our futures.

I was in your shoes 23 years ago and had terrible days of doubt and fear. 

When I opened my eyes, I realized I was not alone.

God was always there, and my leaning on Him helped me survive my journey through the grief of loss.

No matter what your day is like today, I believe the words in the song.

The writers’ story behind the music will bring you hope and comfort on your journey today.

Brighter days are ahead. It may not seem like it today, but this song will give you hope that you are not alone in what happens; you are/

EVEN IF by MercyMe
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