Loneliness Can Eat You Alive


This beautiful message was taken from a post on the Surviving From Loss Site and submitted by Jennifer Wear Blomberg.  Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D., wrote it.   The feeling of loneliness is real, but in reality, we are never alone.

Loneliness from losing a spouse…can eat you alive.  I’m not literally “alone” because I know Christ is with me always…but I do experience bouts of loneliness- mostly at night OR sometimes while I’m amongst a lot of people. Sometimes you feel it coming on, and other times, it just hits you like a freight train.  All of this to say, my loneliness seems to bring on anxiety, which sometimes brings on panic. 

Neimeyer emphasizes that “grief anxiety attacks are a normal part of coping with grief, even if they occur years after the loss. Fortunately, they typically decrease in severity and frequency with time.”  

What a relief to know they “decrease” in time.  I try to “talk myself out of it” sometimes, but I find this difficult.  

Claiming this verse! Psalm 121:1-2 “I lift up my eyes to the mountains–where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.”

Thank you, Jennifer, for the beautiful message.

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