Spring Is Here, But not For Everyone

As spring arrives, April showers and spring flowers are the beginning of newness in the air.  The spring should always be exciting for everyone. For instance, Resurrection Sunday is a highlight in the life of a Christian.

Yet, on the flip side, in these good times, the life of a widow may not experience spring when grieving the loss of her spouse. Her entire world has been flipped upside down, and little seems right.

In times like this, she may wonder where God is because of the pain of her loss, and nothing makes sense.

As we look to support our widows, let’s not miss a chance to reach out and check on one other. In the life of a widow, each day is different.  Just getting out of bed is sometimes a challenge. Every waking moment of her day reminds her that her world will never be the same.  What was beautiful and clear now seems dark, fuzzy, and overcast. There is no timetable to rely on, no day when the pain will stop, and her hope is often gone.  On her journey of widowhood, we want to be there to help her through these challenging times.

Let’s not forget that as we breathe the freshness of the new spring air, someone else is just trying to breathe.  We can be the hands and feet of Jesus to them by offering a helping hand, visiting, taking a meal, helping with a tough decision, going to the grocery store, mowing their yard, stopping to pray with them, or just sitting quietly with her to be a listening ear.

Grief is a fact of life that must be experienced.  It is hard to understand, and it hurts.  We can be of service by helping to lift her load a little.  Sometimes the little things make a difference as she journeys through grief.

Surviving From Loss is a ministry whose mission is to make a difference in her world by being present and ministering to her needs.

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