The Sherry Seyer Story


Sherry Ann Seyer brightened this world on August 9th, 1947. Sherry was born in Houston, and as a young little girl, she remembers how special Christmas mornings were in her family. She was born into a Christian home and attended church all her life. Christmas was a time of true celebration.

When asked how she came to know Jesus, she said, “It was easy for me. He was with me all the time. I’m very blessed.” When Sherry was only seven years old, she underwent heart surgery due to her heart valves not closing correctly. She feels grateful that she had Dr. Denton Cooley do the surgery in Houston. Then, at 16, Sherry had to undergo another surgery to install rods. She knows God has been with her all her life.

Another favorite memory was being a little tomboy and playing in the ditches, catching crawdads. Not really a “girly” thing, but she loved it.

Sherry has one younger sister, Donna, who lives in Cypress.

Sherry graduated from Spring Branch High School. She attended HBU, San Jacinto, and finally, Lamar University in Beaumont, graduating with a Medical Technology/Biology degree.

Sherry met the love of her life, Joseph (Joe) Dick Seyer, while attending Lamar University. Sherry said people used to go by two names, so he was Joe Dick, and she was Sherry Ann. When they met, Joe was studying to be a chemical engineer. He had started in Dentistry but changed and had a very successful career with Dow Chemical.

Sherry and Joe loved to travel. They first lived in Freeport with Dow, traveling to Ohio, Georgia, Germany, and the Netherlands. Her favorite place of all is Georgia. She enjoyed the people and how friendly they were. “The mountains were beautiful near Chattanooga.”

Sherry and Joe were blessed with three children; now, she has seven grandchildren!

Their oldest son, Clint, following in his dad’s footsteps, is a Chemical Engineer, lives in Indiana and is married with three children.

Dan lives in Texas and is married with three children.

Their adopted daughter, Tashia, lives in Tennessee with two children.

Joe and Sherry’s legacy is all the children they fostered over the years of their marriage. They fostered over 60 children over 18 years. They fostered their first child in Ohio, Georgia, and eventually, Houston. Sherry says, “Cats are easier!” They fostered their daughter Tashia when she was only nine and adopted her when she was 12.

When I asked Sherry what her favorite thing she admired most about Joe, she said: “He was a Christian. He was a super-fixer! He could fix anything!” Joe and Sherry enjoyed a beautiful lifetime of marriage for 39 wonderful years. Joe had esophageal cancer and passed away in 2009.

What was your biggest challenge to overcome in being a widow?

Missing my husband. I missed him so much. He was my helpmate. I missed his fixing things.

How did you handle the first year?

I grew up with going to church every Sunday. I was involved in connection groups, too. We had church services on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesday nights. I attended them all. The church is a beautiful place to be involved.

What did you do to find purpose again after losing your spouse?

At the time of losing Joe, the Aids Epidemic was new, and needles were unsafe. Although I had worked in the nursing field all my life, I chose not to work and have not worked for 30 years, so I had to find a new purpose.

I have always been involved with mission trips. I have traveled to Honduras, Argentina, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic. I just got back from Nova Scotia and visited Utah last year.

In approaching holidays, what advice would you give to widows facing their first holiday season without their spouse?

Have a strong friend network. It helps. Church friends are the best!

What advice would you give to someone facing the loss of their spouse today?

Get involved. Staying home without activities is challenging. Be out and about. Go to church, visit shut-ins. It makes you feel good.

Is there anything you are struggling with now that we can help you with?

My sister, Donna, is living with stage 4 cancer. She lives in Cypress, so that is close, and I can go and visit. She has been struggling with this for a year and a half. I would appreciate your prayers for my sister.

Fun Facts About Sherry

What is your favorite hobby?

I love cats and playing bridge with my friends. I have three cats and love to foster cats.

What’s your favorite food?

Cheesecake with or without toppings/ Mexican Food/ Seafood

How has our Widow’s Heart Ministry helped you?

It’s wonderful! Everyone cares so much for us. I have been widowed for years, and so I love the new connections it brings. I love being with people. However, some have recently lost their spouse and need even more encouragement; this group is a great place to connect and gain support from friends who have experienced the same loss. People need connection. It’s a good thing!

Is there something you would like to add to our events and gatherings?

Yes, I would love to sing together! Let’s get the old songbooks or even music-printed sheets like the old-fashioned sing-alongs!

Interviewed by Pam Foster


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