CHOOSE JOY “Jesus, Others and You”

by Judy Cooper:

As a young Mississippi mother of two small children (ages 2 and 5), I had a great mentor! Marilyn was older, wiser, and experienced, a mother of four and a sister in Christ.


Mama Marilyn’s “Play School” became known as a safe place for parents to drop off their children for a ½ day of “school.”  And a great fit for our family.

There were a lot of lessons to be learned—and not “just by the kids?” Early on, I noted how Mama Marilyn scooped up all five of her kitties and headed for the grocery store.


“Look with your eyes, not your hands” was the first song the kids learned that set the right grocery store expectations – and they followed them!!  Jesus and Others and You (JOY) was the 2nd song our little ones enjoyed, but the meaning and application were adult-sized! Jesus and Others and You (JOY) – What a wonderful way to spell JOY, and it resonated as the tykes shared a snack – yes, even the two-year-old SHARED and I… Well, I still… I’m still working on sharing because, you see, well, I’m an adult. — Yes, a seasoned adult!  This could be code for” I like what I like, and I want what I want when I want it — Which is RIGHT NOW, preferably!”


Hmmm. I recall Jesus saying something about love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control.


Yikes. That involves major mind (thought control) – and yes, we CAN do this! After all, the JOY of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts; 2nd Corinthians 10:5 reminds us to take captive every thought. Phil 4:8 piggybacks on this by telling us what to think about! Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy — think of such things.


As a Christian woman, surviving spouse, and grandmother, I love Luke 2:52, where Jesus, our older brother and role model, grows in four ways. (I share this with my three grands in Tennessee and Texas almost every chance I get.)

  1. He grew in wisdom
  2. He grew physically
  3. He grew spiritually
  4. He grew socially


We can too! Even as survivors like you and me!


We can replace our “woe is me” with a” WOW! — Look at what He’s done for me”. Let me count my blessings today rather than my achy body parts. We can choose Jesus, Others, and You (JOY).


We want to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.

Here are a few suggestions and options for helping us reach that goal.

Open your Surviving From Loss Directory and

  1. write a card,
  2. send a text or e-mail
  3. ask someone for coffee
  4. Invite a visitor or new Christian. To class with you,
  5. check on a sick friend
  6. Tell someone you love them/they are special.

We pray for all our ladies who have survived the greatest loss of life and choose to use these good suggestions to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.

by: Judy Cooper


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