December 2023

Helping Your Child Who Lost A Friend

Helping Your Child Who Lost A Friend Most adults have experienced a loss of some type during their lifetime. Depending on the relationship, losing friends or family members is very uncomfortable to express. Now, put yourself in the position of a child or young adult. They may have witnessed death on television, but the experience is different when the death is someone they know personally. THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP IS IMPORTANT AT EVERY STAGE OF LIFE When young adults of any age face the death of someone they know, the trauma can shake them to their […]

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Grief, Relationships

The View From Here – Is Breathtakingly Beautiful

The View From Here – Is Breathtakingly Beautiful For those of us who have lost a spouse, it is natural to wonder if we are okay as we suffer without them. We can only see the things around us with our eyes, and sometimes, our situation in the middle of our grief and pain distorts our vision. It is hard to know that paradise awaits us when our time in this life has ended, and the wait is the most challenging part. Our minds begin to wonder about them, and our mind starts playing tricks

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Emotional Health

International Widows Day Honoring Those Surviving From Loss

Today, June 23, is International Widows Day Honoring Those Surviving From LossToday, June 23, is International Widows Day and we are honoring those surviving from loss.  The “Surviving From Loss” honors and recognizes those who are left behind by the passing of a spouse.  When you married, you did not plan to become a widow, nor would you have dreamed of such a time as this.  Here are a couple of thoughts for your consideration. It’s a “Catch 22” you have always put your spouse and everyone else first. To survive, you must put yourself

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Emotional Health

3 Months, 15 Days, and 7 Hours, Now What?

3 MONTHS, 15 DAYS, AND 7 HOURS, NOW WHAT? Grief has no timeline and no defined pathway.   I hear people say, “It’s been three months, 15 days, and 7 hours and I feel lost,” or “What do I do now?”  Others will say, “My spouse died three years and nine months ago, and I still ______?______ all of the time.”  This blank could represent one or many different difficulties a surviving spouse is facing. Most people are not prepared to face the loss of their spouse. When two individuals become one in marriage, they begin

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Blog, Grief

Sometimes We Do Not Know How To Understand

SOMETIMES, WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO UNDERSTAND Life does not make sense for any of us, especially your children. If you have children, the following story will help you to grasp this concept. One Sunday morning, our youngest daughter Katherine began to have pain in her side. We took her to the emergency room, where we waited for over twelve hours before the doctor could see her. Katherine was in extreme pain. Watching your children suffer is almost unbearable, and we would do anything to take away her pain. At about eleven p.m., we

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Emotional Health

The Widow, She Is Not A Leper

THE WIDOW, SHE IS NOT A LEPER When you hear the word Widow, what comes to your mind? Throughout history, widows have been considered old, fragile, poor, weak, contagious, helpless, and hopeless. Even though many Widows experience these conditions, it is an unfair label. A widow is not infectious and does not have a disease. She is not a leper and should not be ignored. The very opposite command is for the Christian. The Bible commands Churches in James 1:27 not to neglect the Widows and Orphans. In the 1st century, women were in low

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Emotional Health

His Shoes In Church Are Touching Mine, Why?

His Shoes In Church Are Touching Mine, Why? I showered and shaved, and I adjusted my tie. I got there and sat In a pew just in time. I lowered my head in prayer as I closed my eyes. I saw the man’s shoe next to me, touching my own. I sighed. With plenty of room on either side, I thought, ‘Why must our soles touch?’ It bothered me, his shoe touching mine, but it didn’t bother him much. A prayer began: ‘Our Father, I thought, ‘This man with the shoes has no pride. They’re

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Emotional Health

Loneliness Can Eat You Alive

LONELINESS CAN EAT YOU ALIVE This beautiful message was taken from a post on the Surviving From Loss Site and submitted by Jennifer Wear Blomberg.  Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D., wrote it.   The feeling of loneliness is real, but in reality, we are never alone. Loneliness from losing a spouse…can eat you alive.  I’m not literally “alone” because I know Christ is with me always…but I do experience bouts of loneliness- mostly at night OR sometimes while I’m amongst a lot of people. Sometimes you feel it coming on, and other times, it just hits you like

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Emotional Health

The Gwen Fay McClain Story

THE GWEN FAY McCLAIN STORY Gwen Faye McClain was born in Bryan, Texas, on October 2, 1959. Gwen was the second of four children born to Herman and Esther Williams.    Her parents both attended Prairie View A&M University. After marriage, they moved to Anahuac, Texas, where her dad got his first teaching job. Her dad, Herman, was an industrial arts teacher and a bus driver for the school. Her parents were involved at the First Missionary Baptist Church, where her dad was a deacon, and her mom was the pianist. Her mom was also

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Life Stories

The Suzie Holderfield Story

THE SUZIE HOLDERFIELD STORY Jackie Suzanne Koch Holderfield, but we know her as Suzie. Suzanne Holderfield was born in San Antonio, Texas, on June 8, 1954, to loving parents Robert John Koch and Doris Mae Sharp.   Suzie has two older brothers and one younger sister, all living in Texas. Since birth, Suzie has led an exciting life. One of her favorite childhood memories was on her uncle’s ranch in Hondo, Texas. She played with her three girl cousins as they rode horses and pretended to be real ranch hands. They attended Rosemont Church of Christ,

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Life Stories
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